The women in the churches within Northwest Georgia Presbytery have joined together so that there may be a definite organization for the work of women’s ministry. These churches will encourage each other in spirit, work and fellowship. The leadership of the women’s ministry in each church in the Presbytery must maintain a close, personal relationship with the Lord, with each other and with the churches within the presbytery.
The PresWIC organization must always function under the supervision and direction of Northwest Georgia Presbytery and within the bounds of Presbyterian faith and order.
The Women in the Church in the Presbytery (PresWIC) should be the most basic organization possible to carry out the work. The main impetus for any work should come from the local churches.
The council would love to have a representative from each church to serve on the PresWIC council.
If you are interested in serving, please contact PresWIC President Shari Hawley. Her e-mail is phone: 404-797-0496. Link to the PresWIC Facebook page here.